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Dr. Adil Ramzan

MD, Internal Medicine, MBBS, PIMS, SZABMU
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Dr. Adil Ramzan, Is a Physician, working as an MD Internal Medicine Resident at Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Medical University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

About Dr. Adil Ramzan

Dr. Adil Ramzan is a Physician, MD, Internal Medicine.
Ask him any thing related to your health, body and fitness.

Dr. Adil Ramzan is the owner of two medical related website, first one is


Which is about health education, contains health articles on various subjects. It is also helpful for those medical students who are preparing for their medical exams.

other website is;


On this website you can ask any heath related question from qualified medical doctors, and Dr. Adil Ramzan is one of them, he is the founder of this wonderful online platform.

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Dr. Adil Ramzan's clinical cases and research work:

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